This script is specially made for Architecture Firm, Interior Design, Exterior Design Service provider company and agency. If your company or design firm provides this kind of creative services like Interior Design, Dining Room Design, Exterior Design, Kitchen Design, Living Room Design, Bedroom Design, Cottage Design, Architecture design, Landscape design, Home Decoration, Office Decoration Design, Corporate Architecture etc. If you are a Freelancer or thinking for a Startup? And you are looking for a dynamic website to branding your business services, showcase your portfolios, projects, And get orders from customers then this script is best for you.
By installing this script in your business domain you can showcase your portfolios, projects and promote your services to your targeted customers. Also you can communicate with your customers via live chat service on your website. This website also helps your customer to better understand your work process and help them to better connect with you by FAQ’s and blogs.
-100% Dynamic Contents.
-About Us & Contact Page
-Services Page
-Portfolios / Projects Page
-FAQs & Category Page
-Pricing Plan Page
-Media / Blog Pages
-Sliders Section
-Features Section
-Work Process Section
-Counter Section
-Testimonial Section
-Clients / Partners Section
-Team Members Section
-Subscribe Section
-Messenger Live Chat Integrated
-WhatsApp Live Chat Integrated
-Translatable Content
-Google Font Integrated
-Built with Bootstrap v4
-Responsive Design
-Font Awesome Icons
-Animated CSS Integrated
-Fully Customizable
-Contact Mail System Integrated
-Custom Logo & Icons
-SEO Optimized
-Cross Browser Support.
-Custom CSS Settings
-Custom Meta Keyword Settings
-SEO Friendly URL Slug
-Social Meta Tags Integrated